On Campus

Resident Assistant
August 2009 – April 2012               Alaska Pacific University               Anchorage, Alaska

Responsibilities include: enforcing policies with campus residents, effectively confronting policy violations, planning and implementing campus-wide events to meet the needs of a diverse student population, supervising suite-style residence halls comprised entirely of first year students, maintaining ten residential houses of upper class students, purchasing materials for programming with an allocated budget, participating in duty rotations, responding to student crisis situations, and providing individual and group counseling and mediation to students with academic and personal concerns.

Ben Hahn, Director of Campus Life.           Phone: (907) 564-8299          Email: bhahn@alaskapacific.edu

August 2009 – April 2012               Basketball Club, Alaska Pacific University               Anchorage, Alaska

Responsibilities include: organizing and providing a variety of events, managing a one thousand dollar event planning budget, scheduling weekly open gym hours, attending monthly meetings with the student government, and executing yearly elections for club officers.

Matt Stevens, Director of Dining Services.          Phone: (907) 564-8389          Email: diningservices@alaskapacific.edu

Van Driver
August 2010 – April 2012 Alaska Pacific University Anchorage, Alaska

Responsibilities include: transporting students to and from various events, delivering and picking up students from feild courses, competing before and after trip vehicle condition reports, and passing the van driving certification test.

Robin Bartlett, OS/ES Administrative Assistant          Phone: (907) 564-8207          Email: rbartlett@alaskapacific.edu

Gym Monitor
July 2011 – December 2011              Alaska Pacific University               Anchorage, Alaska

Responsibilities include: opening up gym during during open gym hours, recording visitor information into log, facilitating transactions for rentals, cleaning the gym area and machines, certifing climbers to belay and climb, and managing various closing duties.

Nathan van Der Most, Coordinator          Phone: (907) 564-8388          Email: nvandermost@alaskapacific.edu